I am mildly curious why anyone would bother to argue for or against the existence of God knowing that they will convince no one. I started to read this thinking that maybe this writer would shed some insight on what appears to be an utterly pointless waste of time. I stopped reading when it became obvious that the writer didn't even know what he was criticizing.
Well, actually I put up with a little bit of that. Many people think that the positions of the Catholic Church must be based on the Bible. Those of us with a bit of education know that this is rarely true. The fact that any given Catholic doctrine appears ridiculous has nothing to do with the Bible.
Then the author went on to drag out the classic "talking snake", as if that's what Genesis 3 was talking about. At that point, I realized that he had made no effort to understand the Bible whatsoever and I stopped reading.
I wouldn't have bothered leaving a comment, but the author invited it.
Oh yeah, my position is that the existence of God is not debatable. Also, I've never encountered an atheist who had made any attempt to know what they're talking about when they criticize the Bible. And finally, any debate for or against the existence of God is pointless. No one will ever change their mind because of argument.