So, there's no evidence here that Bonhoeffer was gay - just some speculation that mostly relies on projecting modern ideas on people in the past, which is never accurate. I guess the idea that Bonhoeffer might have been gay is less troublesome now than the fact that he became enaged to a sixteen-year-old girl when he was thirty-four - which was not unusual in Bonhoeffer's time.
Bonhoeffer was forced to confront a terrible choice - participate in a conspiracy to commit murder or remain idle while millions were being persecuted and killed. As a Christian and pacifist, Bonhoeffer could not possibly have chosen to participate in a murder plot without deep conflict. The plot failed and Bonhoeffer was hanged. By all accounts, he went to the gallows unafraid, confident in God's grace.
Bonhoeffer is a Christian hero. His sexuality doesn't matter at all.