So you're aware that all of the books of the prophets are accounts of how the "chosen people" consistently failed to live up to their side of the covenant, because they were not better than anyone else. And you're aware that God used other nations against Israel when Israel was wrong. And you're aware that the entire purpose of God's covenant with Abraham was to extend His blessing to all nations. And you're aware that the entire point of Jesus's life, death and resurection was to fulfill the Israelites' side of the covenant so that it would be completed and could be extended to all nations. I strayed into Christian teaching there - I am a Christian, so the NT automatically follows the OT for me.
I'm sure you had a history class at some point, so you might be aware that Jews have been consistently persecuted for 2000 years. Apparently, God stopped "killing and conquering other nations" on the Jews' behalf.
It is certainly true that Biblical writers claimed that God loved them and their land. I live in Virginia and I'm sure that God loves the mountains that He made here. That doesn't mean I think the Bible says I'm better than anyone else. The Bible also doesn'r say the Jews are better than anyone else. The Bible says that all people are separated from God by their own will.
It's nice that you have a theology degree. I'm still working on mine.